Create New Profit! with Ad-Hold On-Hold programs.

Programs Starting as Low as $33 a Month with 3 months down!

Our Team

Deep Expertise, Broad Experience!
Find experts by their focus on particular industries or capabilities.

Ad-Hold can assist in your business growth and impress your callers

with informative custom messages reinforcing your callers
with a positive impression of your business while on-hold.

Ad-Hold On-Hold programs are for all types business offices!

We can accommodate almost any phone system whether you are on VOIP and just need an mp3 file for your on-hold message or if you need a on-hold message recorded on an old fashioned tape cassette. We offer every format of message on-hold, MP3, WAV, CD Audio and Data CD. There are not many phone systems out there that we can’t set up a on-hold system on. If you have almost any 2 line or more system, we can get you promoting your business and products while you have your customers on-hold.

Any format you need we can create a custom on-hold message that will promote your business and products. Whether you just need to let your customers know what your office hours are or you need a custom message promoting your products or services we can help.

On-Hold Custom Programs

Auto Attendant Greetings

VOIP Programs

Media duplication

Start improving your
business today!

Latest news

Boost Your Business with On-Hold Advertising

Boost Your Business with On-Hold Advertising

In today's competitive market, every interaction with a customer is a crucial opportunity. But what happens when your customers are put on hold? Rather than leaving them in silence or with repetitive music, why not use this time to engage and inform them? That's where...

Why Every Small Business Needs Ads on Hold

Why Every Small Business Needs Ads on Hold

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Why Your Small Business Should Switch to VOIP

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