It’s no secret that many people don’t like to wait on hold, especially for extended periods of time. We don’t know how long we can expect to be on hold and at times, we only have a short period of time that we can spend waiting to speak with someone. If your customers are only hearing music that is on a continuous loop, they are more likely to hang up and you’re missing out on huge opportunity to turn them into active customers.

What is On-Hold Advertising?

On-hold advertising is a mix of music and voiceovers that tell your callers about your brand, promotional sales, products, or services while they are on hold. This keeps your callers engaged throughout their time on hold and adds to the professionalism of your business. On-hold advertising is simply a way to keep your callers interested in your business and what you have to offer so that they stay on the line. There are endless opportunities to cross-sell or even get them asking more questions when you use on-hold advertising.

What Types of Messages Are Used in On-Hold Advertisements?

Because on-hold advertisements are customized, there are virtually no limitations to what you put in them. Some ideas for your messages are:

  • Tell your callers where you are located and what hours you’re available to them.
  • Share some information about a service you offer and how customers can benefit from it.
  • Give your callers some background about how your business started.
  • Announce an upcoming sale.
  • Wish your callers great holidays during the holiday season
  • Share your brand’s mission with callers.
  • Invite your callers to an event that your business is hosting.

At Ad-Hold, we help you customize your on-hold messaging to maximize sales and reduce hang ups by nearly 79%. We make the process easy from start to finish by writing, recording, and mixing your on-hold message for the most valuable return.

Why Ad-Hold?

We’ve been producing on-hold advertising programs for more than 30 years and have professional voice talents that will deliver your message with confidence. At Ad-Hold, we strive provide the highest quality standards at competitive and affordable prices, with the promise of 100% customer satisfaction. Don’t waste valuable time with repetitive music. Call us today to get the perfect on-hold advertising program for your business and watch your callers transform into paying customers!